It was International Yarnbombing Day this Saturday just past and of course this is something worthy of celebration ! So my family and I went to Ystad to take part in tagging their market square, through the event ‘Sätta färg på Stortorget i Ystad‘. I love the idea of Yarnbombing or Yarn Graffiti, to allow for the public and the more traditional domestic sphere to mix. To take something that has previously often been considered to be ‘wasted women’s power’ (which of course its not – as so many of us know!) and display it for everyone to see – in the public space. And who couldn’t smile when seeing a bit of knitted, crocheted or embroidered art in a public environment, one which is often more hard and concrete.
Thanks to the library of Ystad for arranging the event, we had a great morning knitting away. My oldest daughter (of 4 years) was the designer of our co-knitted piece below. She choose the yarns as well as the pole where we mounted our finished tag.

Below are pictures of some of all the great yarn tags and gerilla knitting created by other yarn activists on the market square in Ystad that day.

To find out more about the event you can also have a look in the newspaper Skånskan, where I, amongst others, spoke about why we need these type of events and the importance of textiles.