Smart Textillek för Små – A Nursery Workshop

Play with thermochromics and lots of excitement: a perfect way of describing my two workshops last week. I work as a Textile Researcher a long side my illustration and print agency ‘House of Helmi’. I held a workshop at a nursery on Wednesday and Friday. The workshop was called  ‘Smart Textillek för Små’ (‘Smart Textile Play for Wee Ones’), and was aimed at children between 3-6 years. …

International Yarnbombing Day

It was International Yarnbombing Day this Saturday just past and of course this is something worthy of celebration ! So my family and I went to Ystad to take part in tagging their market square, through the event ‘Sätta färg på Stortorget i Ystad‘. I love the idea of Yarnbombing or Yarn Graffiti, to allow for the public and the more traditional domestic sphere …

Vävpoesi & LundaPride

Vävpoesi Weaver in Action, Photo: Rosa Rydahl Just before start Thanks to everyone who came and shared your messages and expressed your thoughts about ‘Solidarity, Equal Value and Natural Affiliation’ (gemenskap, lika värde och självklar tillhörighet) at LundaPride and Stenkrossen last weekend. What a great day it was! – with lots of celebration and party-mood. Together, we created a substantial bit of Vävpoesi (Poetic …

Mitt yogaliv on Pinterest

The project ‘Mitt yogaliv’ has got its own Pinterest account this week – YEAY. We wanted to make it easy peasy for you to find all you favourite Mitt yogaliv pins. You can still of course find pins from Mitt yogaliv at House of Helmi’s account, I will still be publishing a selection of our illustrations on the board ‘Illustrations by House of Helmi’. …

Yoga World skriver om Mitt yogaliv


SORT TACK till Veronica Jäderlund och tidningen Yoga World för inlägget idag om mitt och Nellie Rolfs project Mitt yogaliv. Jätte kul att ni ville skriva om oss. Veronicas härliga yoga blog “Tala Ohm Yoga” och inlägget om oss hittar ni här. THANKS to Veronica Jäderlund and teh magazine Yoga World for writing about mine and Nellie Rolf’s project Mitt yogaliv Enjoy!

Love to the World

Thought I would spread some earthly love this Valentines Day with this heart-shaped globe – it makes love reach through all countries 😉 So to everyone out there, lots of love. And if anyone wants to make a ‘lovely’ globe, here is the how-to. How to make the bowls: The heart-shaped earth, with extra love to go around, is made from an old …